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  • Writer's pictureJessica Lovejoy

Testing Your Direct Mail Campaign

At Key Dynamics, we know how important it is to be open and honest with our clients about the results from their direct mail campaign. Before your campaign ever begins, our team conducts an assessment of your target audience and geographic area. With over a decade of experience under our belt, we have hundreds of data points that we apply to your marketing campaign to ensure you can receive optimal results.

However, A/B testing goes a step beyond this. Your business is unique and therefore each campaign is customized with special characteristics to make your direct mail stand out from your competition. Using A/B testing to compare results through the duration of your campaign further ensures that your target audience is not only provided with a better experience—but a better client acquisition rate.

A/B testing is used in marketing research to determine what elements of your marketing campaign are converting best to reach your target audience most effectively. This is a powerful way to refine your direct mail campaign. A successful A/B test will ultimately provide you with improved content engagement, increased conversion rates, and increased revenue for your business.

That's why we created this guide to help companies and their clients better understand the ins and outs of direct mail testing.

In this post we will cover what happens during a typical campaign, as well as what metrics can be used to measure its success. We even included a client example of how we tested and presented results that compare digital marketing vs direct mail marketing.

Ways we test our client's campaigns:

1. A/B Testing – is one of the most effective experiments used in direct mail testing. By dividing a client's mailing list into two different versions, identical pieces, or parcels of the mailings will be sent to different mailing lists at the same time in two separate campaigns.

A/B testing is designed to test two different concepts on a single mailing. For example, we could identify two words that are related to a special offer and then test their impact on response rates by sending them in the same mail campaign.

2. Monitoring your cost per acquisition (CPA) – is an efficient way to measure the success of direct mail. CPA is the cost of your campaign divided by the total number of leads you receive as a result. The higher the CPA, the more expensive each lead (potential client) would be for your firm. This metric can help you determine which campaign targeting specific groups provides the most efficient value for future clients.

3. Comparing your website conversion to calls received – is another way to measure your campaign's success. Our team uses a personalized phone number to track the calls, and help compare them with an ideal response rate from your direct mail campaign. This takes a strong partnership with our clients and brings great insight to their success in digital vs direct marketing.

4. Measure the quality of leads – is an important metric in direct mail testing. We suggest keeping an eye on the response rates of leads that came as a result of the mailing lists used in each campaign. It's not only about the amount of calls you receive, but how many calls you turn to clients. Are they the leads your firm wants to work with?

Digital marketing vs direct mail marketing: client study

Modern marketing is multi-functional. Think of all the platforms there are to promote your business on and offline. There are websites, social media, email marketing, video marketing, direct mail, and more.

Businesses always strive to be more innovative and modern, which is completely justified. What is more modern than converting users through digital marketing platforms like your website or a GMB listing?

That’s where misconceptions happen and our campaigns have proven the consistency and effectiveness of a direct mail campaign vs other digital means.

Recently, a Pennsylvanian criminal defense client decided to test their website conversions against our partnered direct mail campaign. Since May 2021, we tracked their conversion rates of calls received from their website and calls received from their direct mail campaign.

The results:

​Direct Mail Campaign

Digital Marketing Campaign

98% of calls to our client

2% of calls to our client

Netted 49 times the calls compared to the website

All in all, direct mail achieves outstanding results in comparison—and for good reason. It cuts through the digital noise of other marketing platforms by delivering a targeted message straight to your prospect.

Combine these results with data-backed A/B tests between existing direct mail campaigns, and you can be provided with the best possible advertisement in your marketing repository.

If we haven't convinced you yet:

When beginning a direct mail campaign with our clients, we take several steps to ensure a campaign will be successful. Beginning with conducting an initial assessment of your geographic area and confirming exclusivity of your campaign to ensure the highest response rate possible. At Key Dynamics, we only work with one industry per area. For example, working with multiple law firms in the same district and jurisdiction will only hinder our client's results.

After the campaign begins, we then continue to monitor their progress through multiple metrics, including A/B testing templates between direct mail advertisements as well as across additional multi-functional marketing platforms.


Are you ready to take your direct mail marketing to the next level? Reach out and receive a sample of our campaigns, along with an estimated prospect database that your company could expect to reach on a monthly basis. On average, our direct mail campaigns bring a 3-5% call return rate.

At Key Dynamics, we welcome any feedback, advice, or business consultation our clients may have. Our dedicated team is always available to answer any questions you may have. Drop us a line: or give us a call today at (888) 855-0402.

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