As the Covid-19 pandemic unfolds, we want to help keep our partners informed and operating during this tough time. We recognize our business is essential for many companies around the country to run their firms, and we are continuing operations. In a time of isolation, connecting has become more imperative.
This time has necessitated an abrupt shift in how everyone conducts business. We understand that this moment calls for a different approach to our normal days, but we are here to help in any way we can.
Our campaigns provide great outreach during this stay-at-home time and present the opportunity to connect with your prospects. We thought it would be a good time to pass along a few recommendations for your campaigns.
Courts are beginning to reopen, but the number of cases tried will continue to stay lower-than-average for some time. Expanding to additional counties or types of cases can help increase the number of leads your firm receives.
Updating your clients about how you’re operating by updating your campaign letter to reflect on how you’ve altered your practice. This reassures the recipient that you are ready to help them during this uncertain time.
Redirecting the calls from your campaign so that they go directly to you or someone on your team. Our clients see the best results when callers are able to discuss their case right away with someone from your firm.
With many people facing financial difficulties at this time, some clients have increased revenue right now by offering payment plans and including that information in their letters.
Being adaptable to the current state and focusing communication on how to reach your clients is imperative. Throughout this time, we will continue providing updates and tips, as things evolve. If you have any questions regarding our operations or your campaigns, we're here for you.
Stay safe!